What unique challenges do researchers face in 1273-73-0

Here is just a brief introduction to this compound(1273-73-0)Application In Synthesis of Bromoferrocene, more information about the compound(Bromoferrocene) is in the article, you can click the link below.

Application In Synthesis of Bromoferrocene. So far, in addition to halogen atoms, other non-metallic atoms can become part of the aromatic heterocycle, and the target ring system is still aromatic. Compound: Bromoferrocene, is researched, Molecular C10BrFe, CAS is 1273-73-0, about Synthesis, X-ray structure and chemical properties of 17α-ferrocenylestradiol.

The X-ray structure of 17α-ferrocenylestradiol shows that the ferrocenyl group is at the α-position of the steroid, below the plane of the D ring. From acidic medium it is possible to obtain and isolate the derivative with a carbenium ion in 17-α position. This ion is transformed by various nucleophiles into the C(16)-C(17)-unsaturated derivative With NaBH4 in acidic medium the reduction leads to a mixture of 17α- and 17β-ferrocenylestrol with a predominance of the β product, owing to a more favorable entrance of hydride in the α position. The oxidized derivative 17α-ferrociniumylestradiol tetrafluoroborate was prepared and its properties are described.

Here is just a brief introduction to this compound(1273-73-0)Application In Synthesis of Bromoferrocene, more information about the compound(Bromoferrocene) is in the article, you can click the link below.

Thiazolidine – Wikipedia,
Thiazolidine – ScienceDirect.com