Zeitoun, H; Khan, Z; Banerjee, K; Salameh, D; Lteif, R in [Zeitoun, Hussein; Salameh, Dominique; Lteif, Roger] Univ St Joseph, Fac Sci, Ctr Anal & Rech, Unite Technol & Valorisat Alimentaire, Campus Sci & Technol,POB 11-514, Beirut 11072050, Lebanon; [Khan, Zareen; Banerjee, Kaushik] ICAR Natl Res Ctr Grapes, Natl Reference Lab, Pune 412307, Maharashtra, India published Antityrosinase Activity of Combretum micranthum, Euphorbia hirta and Anacardium occidentale Plants: Ultrasound Assisted Extraction Optimization and Profiling of Associated Predominant Metabolites in 2020.0, Cited 55.0. Application In Synthesis of Chalcone. The Name is Chalcone. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 94-41-7.
Tyrosinase is an important component of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase, which upon contact with the phenolic substrates forms the pigment melanin and induces undesirable food browning. The phenolic and triterpenoid compounds that naturally occur in plants are well known as tyrosinase inhibitors. Combretum micranthum (CM) leaves, Euphorbia hirta (EH) plant, and Anacardium occidentale (AO) fruits are traditionally known to have potential anti-tyrosinase activities. The aim of this study was to optimize the ultrasound-assisted extraction of secondary metabolites from these matrices, and to evaluate in tubo the antityrosinase activity of these extracts. Efforts were also taken to profile the secondary metabolites, mainly the phenolic and triterpenoid compounds, in order to understand their probable association with tyrosinase inhibition. The optimal ultrasound-assisted extraction conditions for simultaneous extraction of phenolic, and triterpenoid compounds were determined. The aqueous fraction of these extracts showed significant antityrosinase activity, with the CM leaves exhibiting the strongest inhibitory effect (IC50 of 0.58 g.L-1). The predominant metabolic compounds from these natural extracts were putatively identified by using a high-resolution quadrupole-time of flight (QToF) LC-MS instrument. The high-resolution accurate mass-based screening resulted in identification of 88 predominant metabolites, which included dihydrodaidzein-7-O-glucuronide, micromeric acid, syringic acid, morin, quercetin-3-O-(6 ”-malonyl-glucoside), 4-hydroxycoumarin, dihydrocaffeic acid-3-O-glucuronide, to name some, with less than 5 ppm of mass error.
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Thiazolidine – Wikipedia,
,Thiazolidine – ScienceDirect.com