Sun, Shuang et al. published their research in Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in 2018 | CAS: 110199-17-2

(R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidines undergo hydrolysis to aldehyde and amino thiol under acid or basic aqueous conditions. Thiazolidine-2,4-dione (TZD) is an important derivative of thiazolidine with a sulfur and nitrogen atom in positions 1 and 3, and carbonyl in position 4 of the ring. These derivatives have a wide range of medicinal applications such as antiviral, antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, antiinflammatory, and antimalarial activities.Synthetic Route of C10H11NS2

Radical-Mediated Thiol-Ene Strategy: Photoactivation of Thiol-Containing Drugs in Cancer Cells was written by Sun, Shuang;Oliveira, Bruno L.;Jimenez-Oses, Gonzalo;Bernardes, Goncalo J. L.. And the article was included in Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in 2018.Synthetic Route of C10H11NS2 This article mentions the following:

Photoactivated drugs provide an opportunity to improve efficacy alongside reducing side-effects in the treatment of severe diseases such as cancer. Described herein is a photoactivation decaging method of isobutylene-caged thiols through a UV-initiated thiol-ene reaction. The method was demonstrated with an isobutylene-caged cysteine, cyclic disulfide-peptide, and thiol-containing drug, all of which were rapidly and efficiently released under mild UV irradiation in the presence of thiol sources and a photoinitiator. Importantly, it is shown that the activity of histone deacetylase inhibitor largazole can be switched off when stapled, but selectively switched on within cancer cells when irradiated with non-phototoxic light. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, (R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2Synthetic Route of C10H11NS2).

(R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidines undergo hydrolysis to aldehyde and amino thiol under acid or basic aqueous conditions. Thiazolidine-2,4-dione (TZD) is an important derivative of thiazolidine with a sulfur and nitrogen atom in positions 1 and 3, and carbonyl in position 4 of the ring. These derivatives have a wide range of medicinal applications such as antiviral, antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, antiinflammatory, and antimalarial activities.Synthetic Route of C10H11NS2

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Yu, Jeongjae et al. published their research in Chirality in 2018 | CAS: 110199-17-2

(R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidine derivatives have been found to exhibit very prominent anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity. Thiazolidines have been applied as prodrug derivatives for various steroids containing a 3-carbonyl group to improve their topical anti-inflammatory activity. Computed Properties of C10H11NS2

Synthesis of new C3 symmetric amino acid- and aminoalcohol-containing chiral stationary phases and application to HPLC enantioseparations was written by Yu, Jeongjae;Armstrong, Daniel W.;Ryoo, Jae Jeong. And the article was included in Chirality in 2018.Computed Properties of C10H11NS2 This article mentions the following:

We recently reported a new C3-sym. (R)-phenylglycinol N-1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid-derived chiral high-performance liquid chromatog. (HPLC) stationary phase (CSP 1) that demonstrated better results as compared to a previously described N-3,5-dintrobenzoyl (DNB) (R)-phenylglycinol-derived CSP. Over a decade ago, (S)-leucinol, (R)-phenylglycine, and (S)-leucine derivatives were used as the starting materials of 3,5-DNB-based Pirkle-type CSPs for chiral separation In this study, three new C3-sym. CSPs (CSP 2, 3, and 4) were prepared by combining the ideas and results mentioned above. Here we describe the synthetic procedures and applications of the new C3-sym. CSPs (CSP 2-CSP 4). In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, (R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2Computed Properties of C10H11NS2).

(R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidine derivatives have been found to exhibit very prominent anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity. Thiazolidines have been applied as prodrug derivatives for various steroids containing a 3-carbonyl group to improve their topical anti-inflammatory activity. Computed Properties of C10H11NS2

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Kitir, Betul et al. published their research in Tetrahedron in 2014 | CAS: 110199-17-2

(R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidines undergo hydrolysis to aldehyde and amino thiol under acid or basic aqueous conditions. Thiazolidine is prepared as it was in its first reported synthesis, by the condensation of cysteamine and formaldehyde. Other thiazolidines may be synthesized by similar condensations. A notable derivative is 4-carboxythiazolidine, derived from formaldehyde and cysteine.Reference of 110199-17-2

Total synthesis and structural validation of cyclodepsipeptides solonamide A and B was written by Kitir, Betul;Baldry, Mara;Ingmer, Hanne;Olsen, Christian A.. And the article was included in Tetrahedron in 2014.Reference of 110199-17-2 This article mentions the following:

Microorganisms are an attractive source of new natural products with antimicrobial properties, and the marine environment constitutes a prolific resource of bioactive microorganisms. During a global research expedition (Galathea III), two depsipeptides, solonamide A and solonamide B, were isolated from the marine bacterium Photobacterium halotolerance and were found to inhibit virulence gene expression in the serious human pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus. They act by interfering with the agr quorum sensing system and show resemblance to the endogenous S. aureus quorum sensing peptide, autoinducing peptide I (AIP-I). To enable more comprehensive studies, we embarked on the chem. synthesis of solonamides A and B. The key synthetic steps were formation of the (R)-β-hydroxy-fatty-acids by stereoselective aldol reactions and a cyclative macrolactamization, which proceeded under highly dilute conditions. Thus, the first total syntheses of the solonamides corroborated the originally assigned structures, and by changing the stereochem. of the auxiliary in the aldol steps we gained access to the natural products as well as their β3-epimers. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, (R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2Reference of 110199-17-2).

(R)-4-Benzylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 110199-17-2) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidines undergo hydrolysis to aldehyde and amino thiol under acid or basic aqueous conditions. Thiazolidine is prepared as it was in its first reported synthesis, by the condensation of cysteamine and formaldehyde. Other thiazolidines may be synthesized by similar condensations. A notable derivative is 4-carboxythiazolidine, derived from formaldehyde and cysteine.Reference of 110199-17-2

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