Analyzing the synthesis route of 185137-29-5

185137-29-5, 185137-29-5 (S)-4-Phenylthiazolidine-2-thione 11333042, athiazolidine compound, is more and more widely used in various.

With the rapid development and complex challenges of chemical substances, new drug synthesis pathways are usually the most effective.185137-29-5,(S)-4-Phenylthiazolidine-2-thione,as a common compound, the synthetic route is as follows.

Add 1000 ml of dichloromethane and 500 ml (3.6 mol) of triethylamine to a 5-liter four-necked flask.Phenylthiooxazolidinone 195g (1mol), propionic acid 80g (1.1mol),Add 1000g (1mol) of 2-chloropyridine p-toluenesulfonic acid methyl salt to 1000mlThe dichloromethane solution was added and stirred at 25 C for 5 hours.TLC showed complete reaction, adding water to extract the reaction, followed by water,Saturated brine, the organic phase was washed with anhydrous sodium sulfate and concentrated.Recrystallization gave 240 g of product with a yield of 95.6%.HPLC purity >99%.

185137-29-5, 185137-29-5 (S)-4-Phenylthiazolidine-2-thione 11333042, athiazolidine compound, is more and more widely used in various.

Patent; Shanghai Lark Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.; Shen Xin; Yang Jidong; Hu Xiaochuan; Li Feng; (6 pag.)CN109020913; (2018); A;,
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Analyzing the synthesis route of 185137-29-5

With the synthetic route has been constantly updated, we look forward to future research findings about (S)-4-Phenylthiazolidine-2-thione,belong thiazolidine compound

As a common heterocyclic compound, it belong thiazolidine compound,(S)-4-Phenylthiazolidine-2-thione,185137-29-5,Molecular formula: C9H9NS2,mainly used in chemical industry, its synthesis route is as follows.,185137-29-5

General procedure: To a mixture of N-crotonyl oxazolidinone 7 (100 mg, 0.43 mmol) and 4-phenyl-2-oxazolidine-2-thione 4 (77.1 mg, 0.43 mmol) in dichloromethane (5.0 mL) was added triethylamine (131.2 mg, 1.29 mmol) at room temperature. The resulting mixture was stirred and heated to reflux overnight. After cooling to room temperature, water (10 mL) was added and the reaction mixture was extracted with CH2Cl2 (3 x 7 mL) The organic layer was dried over anhydrous Na2SO4, filtered and concentrated under reduced pressure to afford crude Michael addition product. The crude residue was purified by silica gel flash column chromatography.

With the synthetic route has been constantly updated, we look forward to future research findings about (S)-4-Phenylthiazolidine-2-thione,belong thiazolidine compound

Article; Munive, Laura; Dzakuma, Sena A.; Olivo, Horacio F.; Tetrahedron Letters; vol. 54; 10; (2013); p. 1230 – 1232;,
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Simple exploration of 185137-29-5

As the paragraph descriping shows that 185137-29-5 is playing an increasingly important role.

185137-29-5, (S)-4-Phenylthiazolidine-2-thione is a thiazolidine compound, ?involved in a variety of chemical synthesis. Rlated chemical reaction is continuously updated

b. 4-(S)-Phenyl-2-thione-thiazolidine-3-carboxylic acid-4-nitro-phenyl ester To a suspension of NaH (26 mg, 1.04 mmol) in 10 mL of anhydrous THF under argon, a solution of 4(S)-Phenyl-thiazolidine-2-thione (170 mg, 0.87 mmol) in THF was added dropwise via an dropping funnel. The resulting suspension was stirred at room temperature for 30 min. This suspension was then added dropwise via cannula into another round bottom flask containing a solution of 4-nitrophenylchloroformate (217 mg, 1.04 mmol) in 20 mL of THF and cooled at -78 C. over a period of 15 min. The stirring was continued for 2 h after which the solvent was removed and the residue was purified by column chromatography on silica gel with 1:1 hexane/CH2 Cl2 then 3:7 hexane/CH2 Cl2 followed by CH2 Cl2 (Rf =0.50) to obtain (+)-4(S)-phenyl-2-thione-thiazolidine-3-carboxylic acid-4-nitro-phenyl ester as a pale yellow solid (200 mg, 64%).

As the paragraph descriping shows that 185137-29-5 is playing an increasingly important role.

Patent; Synaptic Pharmaceutical Corporation; US6159990; (2000); A;,
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