Some tips on 1,1-Dioxo-isothiazolidine

With the complex challenges of chemical substances, we look forward to future research findings about 5908-62-3,belong thiazolidine compound

As a common heterocyclic compound, it belongs to thiazolidine compound, name is 1,1-Dioxo-isothiazolidine, and cas is 5908-62-3, its synthesis route is as follows.,5908-62-3

A mixture of 5-tert-butyl-7-chloro-3-(2-chlorobenzyl)-3H-[l,2,3]triazolo[4,5-d] pyrimidine (15.9 mg, 47.2 muiotaetaomicron?), 1,1-dioxo-isothiazolidine (11.4 mg, 94.4 muiotaetaomicron?) and DBU (14.2 mu?^, 94.4 mumol) in DMF (250 mu?) was stirred at the room temperature overnight. The reaction mixture was directly purified by preparative HPLC (column: Gemini 5um C18 110A 75 x 30mm. mobile phase: water (0.05% Et3N): acetonitrile 75:25% to 5:95%. WL: 230 nm Flow: 30 mL/min.) to afford the title compound as white solid (3.10 mg, 16%). MS(m/e): 387.3 (MH+).

With the complex challenges of chemical substances, we look forward to future research findings about 5908-62-3,belong thiazolidine compound

Patent; F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG; ADAM, Jean-Michel; BISSANTZ, Caterina; GRETHER, Uwe; KIMBARA, Atsushi; NETTEKOVEN, Matthias; ROEVER, Stephan; ROGERS-EVANS, Mark; WO2013/68306; (2013); A1;,
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