3-Aminorhodanine, cas is 1438-16-0, it is a common heterocyclic compound, the thiazolidine compound, its synthesis route is as follows.
General procedure: A mixture of aminorhodanine (1 mmol), isatin (1 mmol) and 5 muL of acetic acid in 2mL of distilled ethanol was placed in a cylindrical quartz reactor (Phi = 4 cm). The reactor was introducedinto a monomode microwave (Anton Paar) apparatus, for 5 min at100 C and 50 Watts. The crude reaction mixture was allowed tocool down at room temperature and ethanol (10 mL) or mixture of H2O/EtOH (10 mL) was directly added in the cylindrical quartzreactor. The resulting precipitated product was filtered off and waspurified by recrystallization from ethanol if necessary.
1438-16-0, With the rapid development of chemical substances, we look forward to future research findings about 1438-16-0
Article; Khaldoun, Khadidja; Safer, Abdelmounaim; Boukabcha, Nourdine; Dege, Necmi; Ruchaud, Sandrine; Souab, Mohamed; Bach, Stephane; Chouaih, Abdelkader; Saidi-Besbes, Salima; Journal of Molecular Structure; vol. 1192; (2019); p. 82 – 90;,
Thiazolidine – Wikipedia
Thiazolidine – ScienceDirect.com