Downstream Synthetic Route Of 94-41-7

About Chalcone, If you have any questions, you can contact Toth, S; Szepesi, A; Tran-Nguyen, VK; Sarkadi, B; Nemet, K; Falson, P; Di Pietro, A; Szakacs, G; Boumendjel, A or concate me.. Application In Synthesis of Chalcone

Authors Toth, S; Szepesi, A; Tran-Nguyen, VK; Sarkadi, B; Nemet, K; Falson, P; Di Pietro, A; Szakacs, G; Boumendjel, A in MDPI published article about COLLATERAL SENSITIVITY; CANCER; THIOSEMICARBAZONES; AURONES in [Toth, Szilard; Szepesi, Aron; Sarkadi, Balazs; Nemet, Katalin; Szakacs, Gergely] Hungarian Acad Sci, Res Ctr Nat Sci, Inst Enzymol, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary; [Tran-Nguyen, Viet-Khoa; Boumendjel, Ahcene] Univ Grenoble Alpes, Dept Pharmacochim Mol, UMR 5063, F-38041 Grenoble, France; [Nemet, Katalin] Creat Cell Ltd, H-1119 Budapest, Hungary; [Falson, Pierre; Di Pietro, Attilio] Univ Lyon, CNRS UMR 5086, Mol Microbiol & Struct Biochem Lab, Drug Resistance & Membrane Prot Grp,IBCP, 7 Passage Vercors, F-69367 Lyon, France; [Szakacs, Gergely] Med Univ Vienna, Inst Canc Res, Borschkegasse 8A, A-1090 Vienna, Austria in 2020, Cited 30. COA of Formula: C15H12O. The Name is Chalcone. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 94-41-7

The resistance of tumors against anticancer drugs is a major impediment for chemotherapy. Tumors often develop multidrug resistance as a result of the cellular efflux of chemotherapeutic agents by ABC transporters such as P-glycoprotein (ABCB1/P-gp), Multidrug Resistance Protein 1 (ABCC1/MRP1), or Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (ABCG2/BCRP). By screening a chemolibrary comprising 140 compounds, we identified a set of naturally occurring aurones inducing higher cytotoxicity against P-gp-overexpressing multidrug-resistant (MDR) cells versus sensitive (parental, non-P-gp-overexpressing) cells. Follow-up studies conducted with the P-gp inhibitor tariquidar indicated that the MDR-selective toxicity of azaaurones is not mediated by P-gp. Azaaurone analogs possessing pronounced effects were then designed and synthesized. The knowledge gained from structure-activity relationships will pave the way for the design of a new class of anticancer drugs selectively targeting multidrug-resistant cancer cells.

About Chalcone, If you have any questions, you can contact Toth, S; Szepesi, A; Tran-Nguyen, VK; Sarkadi, B; Nemet, K; Falson, P; Di Pietro, A; Szakacs, G; Boumendjel, A or concate me.. Application In Synthesis of Chalcone

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