Most of the natural products isolated at present are heterocyclic compounds, so heterocyclic compounds occupy an important position in the research of organic chemistry. A compound: 1273-73-0, is researched, SMILESS is Br[C-]12[Fe+2]3456789([C-]%10C6=C7C8=C9%10)C1=C3C4=C25, Molecular C10BrFeJournal, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry called Synthesis, X-ray structure and chemical properties of 17α-ferrocenylestradiol, Author is Vichard, Dominique; Gruselle, Michel; Jaouen, Gerard; Nefedova, Marina N.; Mamedyarova, Irina A.; Sokolov, Viatcheslav I.; Vaissermann, Jacqueline, the main research direction is ferrocenylestradiol crystal structure reaction; estradiol ferrocenyl crystal structure reaction.Name: Bromoferrocene.
The X-ray structure of 17α-ferrocenylestradiol shows that the ferrocenyl group is at the α-position of the steroid, below the plane of the D ring. From acidic medium it is possible to obtain and isolate the derivative with a carbenium ion in 17-α position. This ion is transformed by various nucleophiles into the C(16)-C(17)-unsaturated derivative With NaBH4 in acidic medium the reduction leads to a mixture of 17α- and 17β-ferrocenylestrol with a predominance of the β product, owing to a more favorable entrance of hydride in the α position. The oxidized derivative 17α-ferrociniumylestradiol tetrafluoroborate was prepared and its properties are described.
Here is a brief introduction to this compound(1273-73-0)Name: Bromoferrocene, if you want to know about other compounds related to this compound(1273-73-0), you can read my other articles.
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