Discover the magic of the 114527-53-6

The article 《Discovery of Indoline-2-carboxamide Derivatives as a New Class of Brain-Penetrant Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei》 also mentions many details about this compound(114527-53-6)Recommanded Product: 114527-53-6, you can pay attention to it, because details determine success or failure

In organic chemistry, atoms other than carbon and hydrogen are generally referred to as heteroatoms. The most common heteroatoms are nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur. Now I present to you an article called Discovery of Indoline-2-carboxamide Derivatives as a New Class of Brain-Penetrant Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei, published in 2015-10-08, which mentions a compound: 114527-53-6, mainly applied to trypanosomicide indolinecarboxamide preparation structure activity brain penetrant Trypanosomiasis, Recommanded Product: 114527-53-6.

There is an urgent need for new, brain penetrant small mols. that target the central nervous system second stage of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT). We report that a series of novel indoline-2-carboxamides have been identified as inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei from screening of a focused protease library against Trypanosoma brucei brucei in culture. We describe the optimization and characterization of this series. Potent antiproliferative activity was observed The series demonstrated excellent pharmacokinetic properties, full cures in a stage 1 mouse model of HAT, and a partial cure in a stage 2 mouse model of HAT. Lack of tolerability prevented delivery of a fully curative regimen in the stage 2 mouse model and thus further progress of this series.

The article 《Discovery of Indoline-2-carboxamide Derivatives as a New Class of Brain-Penetrant Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei》 also mentions many details about this compound(114527-53-6)Recommanded Product: 114527-53-6, you can pay attention to it, because details determine success or failure

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Never Underestimate the Influence Of 114527-53-6

After consulting a lot of data, we found that this compound(114527-53-6)Reference of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid can be used in many types of reactions. And in most cases, this compound has more advantages.

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Synthetic sympatholytic substances in the ergotamine series. V. Some derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline》. Authors are Chiavarelli, Stefano; Marini-Bettol, G. B..The article about the compound:1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acidcas:114527-53-6,SMILESS:OC(=O)C1CNC2=CC=CC=C2C1).Reference of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:114527-53-6) is conveyed.

cf. C.A. 46, 5602g. In connection with investigations aimed at establishing the relations between the chem. structure and biol. activity of compounds of the type of the alkaloids of Segale cornuta, it seemed of interest to study some 3-substituted derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (I), particularly since the structure of I is found in the lysergic acid mol. By a modification of the method of Gilman and Spatz (C.A. 35, 5495.2), 83 g. 3-quinolinecarboxylic acid (II), m. 275-6°, was obtained by refluxing 108 g. 3-cyanoquinoline (III) and 20% aqueous NaOH 2 hrs. The Na salt of II (25 g.) in 200 cc. water and 5 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 2 hrs. at 150° and 120 atm., filtered, the filtrate concentrated, acidified with HCl (d. 1.17) (to Congo red), and the precipitate purified by dilute EtOH yield 14 g. 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (IV), m. 236°, which with NH4OH yields the free acid, m. 145-6° (from EtOH). IV (0.2 g.) in 3 cc. anhydrous C5H5N and 1.6 g. Ac2O, refluxed 10 min., poured when cool into 10 cc. water + 6 cc. HCl, allowed to stand, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yield the 1-Ac derivative, C12H14O2N, straw-colored, m. 152°. A suspension of 100 g. III in 1400 cc. MeOH refluxed 10 hrs. in a current of HCl gas (III.HCl forms first), most of the MeOH distilled, the residue poured into 3 l. ice-water, made alk. with K2CO3, kept ice-cold several hrs., and the precipitate purified by MeOH, yields 82 g. of Me 3-quinolinecarboxylate (V), m. 73-4°. V (36 g.) in 300 cc. MeOH with 5 g. Pd-C, hydrogenated at 60-65° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated in vacuo, and allowed to stand, yields Me dihydro-3-quinolinecarboxylate (VI), m. 134-5°, is strongly fluorescent in Wood light (both solid and in solution), reduces neutral AgNO3 solution, is oxidized by dilute KMnO4; picrate, m. 187-9°. V (2 g.) in 50 cc. MeOH with 2 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 110° under 100 atm., filtered, and distilled at 115° (0.1 mm.); or 5 g. VI in 100 cc. MeOH with 4 g. Raney Ni and 1 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated at 100° under 100 atm., and the product filtered, concentrated, and distilled in vacuo, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (VII), of VI, viscous oil, b0.3 124°. With HCl, it forms an HCl salt, m. 181-4°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 151-3°. VII (1 g.) and 5-8 cc. concentrated HCl, heated in a sealed tube 3 hrs. at 100°, and the product purified by dilute EtOH, yield 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (VIII), m. 234°. N,N-Diethyl-3-quinolinecarboxamide (IX) (10 g.) in 100 cc. MeOH with 3 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 60° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yields 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (X), m. 132-3°, forming with HCl a HCl salt, m. 160-1°. Hydrolyzed like VII, X yields VIII, m. 235-6°. 3-Aminoquinoline (XI) (144 g.) in 400 cc. tetrahydronaphthalene with 15 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated at 55° under 90 atm., filtered, distilled in vacuo, and the residue rectified in vacuo, yields 127 g. crude product, b8 160-6°, which, fractionated and the fractions b. above 164° distilled in vacuo (0.8 mm.) at 250°, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (XII), m. 57°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 205-6°; HCl salt (from EtOH by addition of Et2O), sinters 240°, m. 250°, turns violet by oxidation in air. XII oxidizes easily on exposure to air and light, and shows triboluminescence when rubbed with a wooden spatula. Benzoylated by the Schotten-Bauman method, XII gives a di-Bz derivative, C23H20O2N2, m. 201° (from EtOH). The distillation residue of XII (a fraction, b0.8 250°), fractionated further, gives a fraction, b0.4 234°, 3,3′-iminobis(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline) (XIII), very viscous resinous oil. With HCl, it forms a HCl salt (XIV), m. 254°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 190-2°. In aqueous HCl solution, XIV gives with aqueous NaNO2 a yellow precipitate, which, purified by EtOH, yields the nitroso derivative, C18H18O3N6, m. 156°. Et2SO4 (9 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 200 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 16 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 6 hrs., filtered, evaporated, excess 20% aqueous NaOH added, the solution extracted with Et2O, the extract dried by K2CO3, evaporated, and the residue distilled in vacuo, yields 3-ethylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.1 110-13°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 198°. Et2SO4 (28 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 300 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 48 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 8 hrs., and the foregoing procedure followed, yields 3-diethylamino-1-ethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.4 116°; picrate, m. 103-4°; HCl salt, very hygroscopic. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII are reproduced.

After consulting a lot of data, we found that this compound(114527-53-6)Reference of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid can be used in many types of reactions. And in most cases, this compound has more advantages.

Thiazolidine – Wikipedia,
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Why Are Children Getting Addicted To 114527-53-6

Although many compounds look similar to this compound(114527-53-6)Related Products of 114527-53-6, numerous studies have shown that this compound(SMILES:OC(=O)C1CNC2=CC=CC=C2C1), has unique advantages. If you want to know more about similar compounds, you can read my other articles.

The chemical properties of alicyclic heterocycles are similar to those of the corresponding chain compounds. Compound: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, is researched, Molecular C10H11NO2, CAS is 114527-53-6, about Discovery of Indoline-2-carboxamide Derivatives as a New Class of Brain-Penetrant Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei, the main research direction is trypanosomicide indolinecarboxamide preparation structure activity brain penetrant Trypanosomiasis.Related Products of 114527-53-6.

There is an urgent need for new, brain penetrant small mols. that target the central nervous system second stage of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT). We report that a series of novel indoline-2-carboxamides have been identified as inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei from screening of a focused protease library against Trypanosoma brucei brucei in culture. We describe the optimization and characterization of this series. Potent antiproliferative activity was observed The series demonstrated excellent pharmacokinetic properties, full cures in a stage 1 mouse model of HAT, and a partial cure in a stage 2 mouse model of HAT. Lack of tolerability prevented delivery of a fully curative regimen in the stage 2 mouse model and thus further progress of this series.

Although many compounds look similar to this compound(114527-53-6)Related Products of 114527-53-6, numerous studies have shown that this compound(SMILES:OC(=O)C1CNC2=CC=CC=C2C1), has unique advantages. If you want to know more about similar compounds, you can read my other articles.

Thiazolidine – Wikipedia,
Thiazolidine –

Final Thoughts on Chemistry for 114527-53-6

As far as I know, this compound(114527-53-6)Safety of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid can be applied in many ways, which is helpful for the development of experiments. Therefore many people are doing relevant researches.

In organic chemistry, atoms other than carbon and hydrogen are generally referred to as heteroatoms. The most common heteroatoms are nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur. Now I present to you an article called Synthetic sympatholytic substances in the ergotamine series. V. Some derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, published in 1952, which mentions a compound: 114527-53-6, mainly applied to , Safety of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid.

cf. C.A. 46, 5602g. In connection with investigations aimed at establishing the relations between the chem. structure and biol. activity of compounds of the type of the alkaloids of Segale cornuta, it seemed of interest to study some 3-substituted derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (I), particularly since the structure of I is found in the lysergic acid mol. By a modification of the method of Gilman and Spatz (C.A. 35, 5495.2), 83 g. 3-quinolinecarboxylic acid (II), m. 275-6°, was obtained by refluxing 108 g. 3-cyanoquinoline (III) and 20% aqueous NaOH 2 hrs. The Na salt of II (25 g.) in 200 cc. water and 5 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 2 hrs. at 150° and 120 atm., filtered, the filtrate concentrated, acidified with HCl (d. 1.17) (to Congo red), and the precipitate purified by dilute EtOH yield 14 g. 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (IV), m. 236°, which with NH4OH yields the free acid, m. 145-6° (from EtOH). IV (0.2 g.) in 3 cc. anhydrous C5H5N and 1.6 g. Ac2O, refluxed 10 min., poured when cool into 10 cc. water + 6 cc. HCl, allowed to stand, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yield the 1-Ac derivative, C12H14O2N, straw-colored, m. 152°. A suspension of 100 g. III in 1400 cc. MeOH refluxed 10 hrs. in a current of HCl gas (III.HCl forms first), most of the MeOH distilled, the residue poured into 3 l. ice-water, made alk. with K2CO3, kept ice-cold several hrs., and the precipitate purified by MeOH, yields 82 g. of Me 3-quinolinecarboxylate (V), m. 73-4°. V (36 g.) in 300 cc. MeOH with 5 g. Pd-C, hydrogenated at 60-65° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated in vacuo, and allowed to stand, yields Me dihydro-3-quinolinecarboxylate (VI), m. 134-5°, is strongly fluorescent in Wood light (both solid and in solution), reduces neutral AgNO3 solution, is oxidized by dilute KMnO4; picrate, m. 187-9°. V (2 g.) in 50 cc. MeOH with 2 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 110° under 100 atm., filtered, and distilled at 115° (0.1 mm.); or 5 g. VI in 100 cc. MeOH with 4 g. Raney Ni and 1 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated at 100° under 100 atm., and the product filtered, concentrated, and distilled in vacuo, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (VII), of VI, viscous oil, b0.3 124°. With HCl, it forms an HCl salt, m. 181-4°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 151-3°. VII (1 g.) and 5-8 cc. concentrated HCl, heated in a sealed tube 3 hrs. at 100°, and the product purified by dilute EtOH, yield 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (VIII), m. 234°. N,N-Diethyl-3-quinolinecarboxamide (IX) (10 g.) in 100 cc. MeOH with 3 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 60° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yields 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (X), m. 132-3°, forming with HCl a HCl salt, m. 160-1°. Hydrolyzed like VII, X yields VIII, m. 235-6°. 3-Aminoquinoline (XI) (144 g.) in 400 cc. tetrahydronaphthalene with 15 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated at 55° under 90 atm., filtered, distilled in vacuo, and the residue rectified in vacuo, yields 127 g. crude product, b8 160-6°, which, fractionated and the fractions b. above 164° distilled in vacuo (0.8 mm.) at 250°, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (XII), m. 57°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 205-6°; HCl salt (from EtOH by addition of Et2O), sinters 240°, m. 250°, turns violet by oxidation in air. XII oxidizes easily on exposure to air and light, and shows triboluminescence when rubbed with a wooden spatula. Benzoylated by the Schotten-Bauman method, XII gives a di-Bz derivative, C23H20O2N2, m. 201° (from EtOH). The distillation residue of XII (a fraction, b0.8 250°), fractionated further, gives a fraction, b0.4 234°, 3,3′-iminobis(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline) (XIII), very viscous resinous oil. With HCl, it forms a HCl salt (XIV), m. 254°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 190-2°. In aqueous HCl solution, XIV gives with aqueous NaNO2 a yellow precipitate, which, purified by EtOH, yields the nitroso derivative, C18H18O3N6, m. 156°. Et2SO4 (9 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 200 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 16 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 6 hrs., filtered, evaporated, excess 20% aqueous NaOH added, the solution extracted with Et2O, the extract dried by K2CO3, evaporated, and the residue distilled in vacuo, yields 3-ethylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.1 110-13°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 198°. Et2SO4 (28 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 300 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 48 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 8 hrs., and the foregoing procedure followed, yields 3-diethylamino-1-ethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.4 116°; picrate, m. 103-4°; HCl salt, very hygroscopic. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII are reproduced.

As far as I know, this compound(114527-53-6)Safety of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid can be applied in many ways, which is helpful for the development of experiments. Therefore many people are doing relevant researches.

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Sources of common compounds: 114527-53-6

This literature about this compound(114527-53-6)Reference of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acidhas given us a lot of inspiration, and I hope that the research on this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid) can be further advanced. Maybe we can get more compounds in a similar way.

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Synthetic sympatholytic substances in the ergotamine series. V. Some derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline》. Authors are Chiavarelli, Stefano; Marini-Bettol, G. B..The article about the compound:1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acidcas:114527-53-6,SMILESS:OC(=O)C1CNC2=CC=CC=C2C1).Reference of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:114527-53-6) is conveyed.

cf. C.A. 46, 5602g. In connection with investigations aimed at establishing the relations between the chem. structure and biol. activity of compounds of the type of the alkaloids of Segale cornuta, it seemed of interest to study some 3-substituted derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (I), particularly since the structure of I is found in the lysergic acid mol. By a modification of the method of Gilman and Spatz (C.A. 35, 5495.2), 83 g. 3-quinolinecarboxylic acid (II), m. 275-6°, was obtained by refluxing 108 g. 3-cyanoquinoline (III) and 20% aqueous NaOH 2 hrs. The Na salt of II (25 g.) in 200 cc. water and 5 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 2 hrs. at 150° and 120 atm., filtered, the filtrate concentrated, acidified with HCl (d. 1.17) (to Congo red), and the precipitate purified by dilute EtOH yield 14 g. 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (IV), m. 236°, which with NH4OH yields the free acid, m. 145-6° (from EtOH). IV (0.2 g.) in 3 cc. anhydrous C5H5N and 1.6 g. Ac2O, refluxed 10 min., poured when cool into 10 cc. water + 6 cc. HCl, allowed to stand, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yield the 1-Ac derivative, C12H14O2N, straw-colored, m. 152°. A suspension of 100 g. III in 1400 cc. MeOH refluxed 10 hrs. in a current of HCl gas (III.HCl forms first), most of the MeOH distilled, the residue poured into 3 l. ice-water, made alk. with K2CO3, kept ice-cold several hrs., and the precipitate purified by MeOH, yields 82 g. of Me 3-quinolinecarboxylate (V), m. 73-4°. V (36 g.) in 300 cc. MeOH with 5 g. Pd-C, hydrogenated at 60-65° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated in vacuo, and allowed to stand, yields Me dihydro-3-quinolinecarboxylate (VI), m. 134-5°, is strongly fluorescent in Wood light (both solid and in solution), reduces neutral AgNO3 solution, is oxidized by dilute KMnO4; picrate, m. 187-9°. V (2 g.) in 50 cc. MeOH with 2 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 110° under 100 atm., filtered, and distilled at 115° (0.1 mm.); or 5 g. VI in 100 cc. MeOH with 4 g. Raney Ni and 1 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated at 100° under 100 atm., and the product filtered, concentrated, and distilled in vacuo, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (VII), of VI, viscous oil, b0.3 124°. With HCl, it forms an HCl salt, m. 181-4°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 151-3°. VII (1 g.) and 5-8 cc. concentrated HCl, heated in a sealed tube 3 hrs. at 100°, and the product purified by dilute EtOH, yield 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (VIII), m. 234°. N,N-Diethyl-3-quinolinecarboxamide (IX) (10 g.) in 100 cc. MeOH with 3 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 60° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yields 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (X), m. 132-3°, forming with HCl a HCl salt, m. 160-1°. Hydrolyzed like VII, X yields VIII, m. 235-6°. 3-Aminoquinoline (XI) (144 g.) in 400 cc. tetrahydronaphthalene with 15 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated at 55° under 90 atm., filtered, distilled in vacuo, and the residue rectified in vacuo, yields 127 g. crude product, b8 160-6°, which, fractionated and the fractions b. above 164° distilled in vacuo (0.8 mm.) at 250°, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (XII), m. 57°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 205-6°; HCl salt (from EtOH by addition of Et2O), sinters 240°, m. 250°, turns violet by oxidation in air. XII oxidizes easily on exposure to air and light, and shows triboluminescence when rubbed with a wooden spatula. Benzoylated by the Schotten-Bauman method, XII gives a di-Bz derivative, C23H20O2N2, m. 201° (from EtOH). The distillation residue of XII (a fraction, b0.8 250°), fractionated further, gives a fraction, b0.4 234°, 3,3′-iminobis(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline) (XIII), very viscous resinous oil. With HCl, it forms a HCl salt (XIV), m. 254°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 190-2°. In aqueous HCl solution, XIV gives with aqueous NaNO2 a yellow precipitate, which, purified by EtOH, yields the nitroso derivative, C18H18O3N6, m. 156°. Et2SO4 (9 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 200 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 16 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 6 hrs., filtered, evaporated, excess 20% aqueous NaOH added, the solution extracted with Et2O, the extract dried by K2CO3, evaporated, and the residue distilled in vacuo, yields 3-ethylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.1 110-13°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 198°. Et2SO4 (28 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 300 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 48 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 8 hrs., and the foregoing procedure followed, yields 3-diethylamino-1-ethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.4 116°; picrate, m. 103-4°; HCl salt, very hygroscopic. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII are reproduced.

This literature about this compound(114527-53-6)Reference of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acidhas given us a lot of inspiration, and I hope that the research on this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid) can be further advanced. Maybe we can get more compounds in a similar way.

Thiazolidine – Wikipedia,
Thiazolidine –

Chemical Research in 114527-53-6

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Computed Properties of C10H11NO2, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

Computed Properties of C10H11NO2. So far, in addition to halogen atoms, other non-metallic atoms can become part of the aromatic heterocycle, and the target ring system is still aromatic. Compound: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, is researched, Molecular C10H11NO2, CAS is 114527-53-6, about Structure-based design of 3-carboxy-substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines as inhibitors of myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1).

Mcl-1 has recently emerged as an attractive target to expand the armamentarium in the war on cancer. Using structure-based design, 3-carboxy-substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines were developed as a new chemotype to inhibit the Mcl-1 oncoprotein. The most potent compound inhibited Mcl-1 with a Ki of 120 nM, as determined by a fluorescence polarization competition assay. Direct binding was confirmed by 2D 1H-15N HSQC NMR spectroscopy with 15N-Mcl-1, which indicated that interactions with R263 and T266, and occupation of the p2 pocket are likely responsible for the potent binding affinity. The short and facile synthetic chem. to access target mols. is expected to mediate lead optimization.

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Computed Properties of C10H11NO2, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

Thiazolidine – Wikipedia,
Thiazolidine –

Why do aromatic interactions matter of compound: 114527-53-6

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Related Products of 114527-53-6, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Synthetic sympatholytic substances in the ergotamine series. V. Some derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline》. Authors are Chiavarelli, Stefano; Marini-Bettol, G. B..The article about the compound:1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acidcas:114527-53-6,SMILESS:OC(=O)C1CNC2=CC=CC=C2C1).Related Products of 114527-53-6. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:114527-53-6) is conveyed.

cf. C.A. 46, 5602g. In connection with investigations aimed at establishing the relations between the chem. structure and biol. activity of compounds of the type of the alkaloids of Segale cornuta, it seemed of interest to study some 3-substituted derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (I), particularly since the structure of I is found in the lysergic acid mol. By a modification of the method of Gilman and Spatz (C.A. 35, 5495.2), 83 g. 3-quinolinecarboxylic acid (II), m. 275-6°, was obtained by refluxing 108 g. 3-cyanoquinoline (III) and 20% aqueous NaOH 2 hrs. The Na salt of II (25 g.) in 200 cc. water and 5 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 2 hrs. at 150° and 120 atm., filtered, the filtrate concentrated, acidified with HCl (d. 1.17) (to Congo red), and the precipitate purified by dilute EtOH yield 14 g. 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (IV), m. 236°, which with NH4OH yields the free acid, m. 145-6° (from EtOH). IV (0.2 g.) in 3 cc. anhydrous C5H5N and 1.6 g. Ac2O, refluxed 10 min., poured when cool into 10 cc. water + 6 cc. HCl, allowed to stand, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yield the 1-Ac derivative, C12H14O2N, straw-colored, m. 152°. A suspension of 100 g. III in 1400 cc. MeOH refluxed 10 hrs. in a current of HCl gas (III.HCl forms first), most of the MeOH distilled, the residue poured into 3 l. ice-water, made alk. with K2CO3, kept ice-cold several hrs., and the precipitate purified by MeOH, yields 82 g. of Me 3-quinolinecarboxylate (V), m. 73-4°. V (36 g.) in 300 cc. MeOH with 5 g. Pd-C, hydrogenated at 60-65° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated in vacuo, and allowed to stand, yields Me dihydro-3-quinolinecarboxylate (VI), m. 134-5°, is strongly fluorescent in Wood light (both solid and in solution), reduces neutral AgNO3 solution, is oxidized by dilute KMnO4; picrate, m. 187-9°. V (2 g.) in 50 cc. MeOH with 2 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 110° under 100 atm., filtered, and distilled at 115° (0.1 mm.); or 5 g. VI in 100 cc. MeOH with 4 g. Raney Ni and 1 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated at 100° under 100 atm., and the product filtered, concentrated, and distilled in vacuo, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (VII), of VI, viscous oil, b0.3 124°. With HCl, it forms an HCl salt, m. 181-4°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 151-3°. VII (1 g.) and 5-8 cc. concentrated HCl, heated in a sealed tube 3 hrs. at 100°, and the product purified by dilute EtOH, yield 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid-HCl (VIII), m. 234°. N,N-Diethyl-3-quinolinecarboxamide (IX) (10 g.) in 100 cc. MeOH with 3 g. 10% Pd-C, hydrogenated 3 hrs. at 60° under 90 atm., filtered, concentrated, and the precipitate purified by EtOH, yields 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (X), m. 132-3°, forming with HCl a HCl salt, m. 160-1°. Hydrolyzed like VII, X yields VIII, m. 235-6°. 3-Aminoquinoline (XI) (144 g.) in 400 cc. tetrahydronaphthalene with 15 g. Raney Ni, hydrogenated at 55° under 90 atm., filtered, distilled in vacuo, and the residue rectified in vacuo, yields 127 g. crude product, b8 160-6°, which, fractionated and the fractions b. above 164° distilled in vacuo (0.8 mm.) at 250°, yields the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative (XII), m. 57°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 205-6°; HCl salt (from EtOH by addition of Et2O), sinters 240°, m. 250°, turns violet by oxidation in air. XII oxidizes easily on exposure to air and light, and shows triboluminescence when rubbed with a wooden spatula. Benzoylated by the Schotten-Bauman method, XII gives a di-Bz derivative, C23H20O2N2, m. 201° (from EtOH). The distillation residue of XII (a fraction, b0.8 250°), fractionated further, gives a fraction, b0.4 234°, 3,3′-iminobis(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline) (XIII), very viscous resinous oil. With HCl, it forms a HCl salt (XIV), m. 254°, and with picric acid a picrate, m. 190-2°. In aqueous HCl solution, XIV gives with aqueous NaNO2 a yellow precipitate, which, purified by EtOH, yields the nitroso derivative, C18H18O3N6, m. 156°. Et2SO4 (9 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 200 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 16 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 6 hrs., filtered, evaporated, excess 20% aqueous NaOH added, the solution extracted with Et2O, the extract dried by K2CO3, evaporated, and the residue distilled in vacuo, yields 3-ethylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.1 110-13°; picrate (from anhydrous EtOH), m. 198°. Et2SO4 (28 cc.), added during 1 hr. to 15 g. XII in 300 cc. anhydrous Me2CO and 48 g. K2CO3, the mixture refluxed 8 hrs., and the foregoing procedure followed, yields 3-diethylamino-1-ethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, b0.4 116°; picrate, m. 103-4°; HCl salt, very hygroscopic. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of II, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII are reproduced.

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Related Products of 114527-53-6, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

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New learning discoveries about 114527-53-6

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)SDS of cas: 114527-53-6, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

SDS of cas: 114527-53-6. The reaction of aromatic heterocyclic molecules with protons is called protonation. Aromatic heterocycles are more basic than benzene due to the participation of heteroatoms. Compound: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, is researched, Molecular C10H11NO2, CAS is 114527-53-6, about Discovery of Indoline-2-carboxamide Derivatives as a New Class of Brain-Penetrant Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei. Author is Cleghorn, Laura A. T.; Albrecht, Sebastien; Stojanovski, Laste; Simeons, Frederick R. J.; Norval, Suzanne; Kime, Robert; Collie, Iain T.; De Rycker, Manu; Campbell, Lorna; Hallyburton, Irene; Frearson, Julie A.; Wyatt, Paul G.; Read, Kevin D.; Gilbert, Ian H..

There is an urgent need for new, brain penetrant small mols. that target the central nervous system second stage of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT). We report that a series of novel indoline-2-carboxamides have been identified as inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei from screening of a focused protease library against Trypanosoma brucei brucei in culture. We describe the optimization and characterization of this series. Potent antiproliferative activity was observed The series demonstrated excellent pharmacokinetic properties, full cures in a stage 1 mouse model of HAT, and a partial cure in a stage 2 mouse model of HAT. Lack of tolerability prevented delivery of a fully curative regimen in the stage 2 mouse model and thus further progress of this series.

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)SDS of cas: 114527-53-6, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

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Awesome and Easy Science Experiments about 114527-53-6

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Application In Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

Application In Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid. The fused heterocycle is formed by combining a benzene ring with a single heterocycle, or two or more single heterocycles. Compound: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, is researched, Molecular C10H11NO2, CAS is 114527-53-6, about Traceless Electrophilic Amination for the Synthesis of Unprotected Cyclic β-Amino Acids. Author is Yu, Jin-Sheng; Espinosa, Miguel; Noda, Hidetoshi; Shibasaki, Masakatsu.

Electrophilic aminations involve an umpolung of a nitrogen atom, providing an alternate, distinctive synthetic strategy. The recent advent of various designed O-substituted hydroxylamines has significantly advanced this research field. An underappreciated issue is atom economy of the transformations: The necessary activating group on the oxygen atom is left in coproduced waste. Herein, the authors describe Rh-catalyzed electrophilic amination of substituted isoxazolidin-5-ones for the synthesis of unprotected, cyclic β-amino acids featuring either benzo-fused or spirocyclic scaffolds. Using the cyclic hydroxylamines allows for retaining both nitrogen and oxygen functionalities in the product. The traceless, redox neutral process proceeds on a gram scale with as little as 0.1 mol % catalyst loading. In contrast to related electrophilic aminations in the literature, a series of mechanistic experiments suggests a unique pathway involving spirocyclization, followed by the skeletal rearrangement. The insights provided herein shed light on a nuanced reactivity of the active species, Rh-nitrenoid generated from the activated hydroxylamine, and extend the knowledge on electrophilic aromatic substitutions.

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Application In Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

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Awesome and Easy Science Experiments about 114527-53-6

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Application In Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

Most of the compounds have physiologically active properties, and their biological properties are often attributed to the heteroatoms contained in their molecules, and most of these heteroatoms also appear in cyclic structures. A Journal, Article, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters called Optimization of Small Molecules That Sensitize HIV-1 Infected Cells to Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity, Author is Grenier, Melissa C.; Ding, Shilei; Vezina, Dani; Chapleau, Jean-Philippe; Tolbert, William D.; Sherburn, Rebekah; Schon, Arne; Somisetti, Sambasivarao; Abrams, Cameron F.; Pazgier, Marzena; Finzi, Andres; Smith, Amos B., which mentions a compound: 114527-53-6, SMILESS is OC(=O)C1CNC2=CC=CC=C2C1, Molecular C10H11NO2, Application In Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid.

With approx. 37 million people living with HIV worldwide and an estimated 2 million new infections reported each year, the need to derive novel strategies aimed at eradicating HIV-1 infection remains a critical worldwide challenge. One potential strategy would involve eliminating infected cells via antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). HIV-1 has evolved sophisticated mechanisms to conceal epitopes located in its envelope glycoprotein (Env) that are recognized by ADCC-mediating antibodies present in sera from HIV-1 infected individuals. Our aim is to circumvent this evasion via the development of small mols. that expose relevant anti-Env epitopes and sensitize HIV-1 infected cells to ADCC. Rapid elaboration of an initial screening hit using parallel synthesis and structure-based optimization has led to the development of potent small mols. that elicit this humoral response. Efforts to increase the ADCC activity of this class of small mols. with the aim of increasing their therapeutic potential was based on our recent cocrystal structures with gp120 core.

In addition to the literature in the link below, there is a lot of literature about this compound(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid)Application In Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, illustrating the importance and wide applicability of this compound(114527-53-6).

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