Analyzing the synthesis route of 530-66-5

As far as I know, this compound(530-66-5)SDS of cas: 530-66-5 can be applied in many ways, which is helpful for the development of experiments. Therefore many people are doing relevant researches.

The chemical properties of alicyclic heterocycles are similar to those of the corresponding chain compounds. Compound: quinoliniumhydrogensulphate, is researched, Molecular C9H9NO4S, CAS is 530-66-5, about The structural systematics of protonation of some important nitrogen-base ligands. III. Some (univalent) anion salts of some hindered unidentate nitrogen bases, the main research direction is crystal structure nitrogen base hindered unidentate salt; mol structure nitrogen base hindered unidentate salt.SDS of cas: 530-66-5.

Recent structural studies of salts of the 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinium cation [tmpH]+ (chloride, bromide; thiocyanate) present as interesting dimeric or polymeric associations linked by pairs of directional H-bonds from the cationic = NH+2 moieties to ‘two-coordinate’ anions. Present single crystal x-ray studies have characterized the iodide, perchlorate, nitrate and trifluoroacetate complexes, all, like those of the preceding studies, [tmpH]+X- (anhydrous). A variety of forms are found: the nitrate compound is dimeric [[tmpH](O·NO·O)2[Htmp]], the trifluoroacetate compound being similar in form while the iodide and perchlorate salts are mixtures of dimers (with the anions essentially single atom bridges) and single-stranded helical polymers, the stoichiometric ratio of these being 1:1 and 2:1 in terms of [tmpH]X formula units, resp. A study of 4-keto-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinium thiocyanate shows it to be a dimer [[OtmpH](SCNNSC)[HtmpO]], unlike its previously studied chloride analog which is a cyclic tetramer. A new P21/n phase of diisopropylammonium chloride, derivative of the previously described P212121 and P21 forms, is reported, together with descriptions of protonated salts of the other hindered unidentate bases 2,6-lutidine (as the chloride salt), quinoline (as the perchlorate, trifluoroacetate, hexachlorostannate and bisulfate salts) and 2-quinaldine (as the chloride (anhydrous and monohydrate) and hexachlorostannate salts), all displaying arrays derivative of ion-pair formation (extended by anion-anion H-bonds as well in the bisulfate salt) and, in the case of the aromatic bases, dominated by parallel stacking.

As far as I know, this compound(530-66-5)SDS of cas: 530-66-5 can be applied in many ways, which is helpful for the development of experiments. Therefore many people are doing relevant researches.

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