Analyzing the synthesis route of 2682-49-7

2682-49-7 Thiazolidin-2-one 97431, athiazolidine compound, is more and more widely used in various.

With the rapid development and complex challenges of chemical substances, new drug synthesis pathways are usually the most effective.2682-49-7,Thiazolidin-2-one,as a common compound, the synthetic route is as follows.,2682-49-7

Example 5 Preparation of 3-(2-nitrophenylmethyl)-2-thiazolidinone A mixture containing 3.09 g (0.03 mol) of 2-thiazolidinone, 11.2 g of potassium carbonate, 1.8 g of potassium hydrogen carbonate, 0.5 ml of water, 30 ml of methyl isobutyl ketone and 6.5 g (0.03 mol) of 2-nitrobenzyl bromide is refluxed for 6 hours, then cooled down and thoroughly mixed with 50 ml of water. The mixture is filterred and the clear filtrate is separated. The organic phase is washed with 10 ml of water, dried and evaporated. The oily residue is recrystallized from ethanol to give 2.65 g (37.0%) of the title compound, m.p.: 92-93 C. IR (KBr): 1670 cmmin1 (C=O) 1525, 1345 cmmin1 (NO2) 1H-NMR (CDCl3): 3.1-3.8 ppm (m, 4H, 2CH2) 4.9 ppm (s, 2H,CH2) 7.2-8.3 ppm (m, 4H, ArH).

2682-49-7 Thiazolidin-2-one 97431, athiazolidine compound, is more and more widely used in various.

Patent; RICHTER GEDEON VEGYESZETI GYAR R.T.; EP320910; (1989); A1;,
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