Analyzing the synthesis route of 1273-73-0

Although many compounds look similar to this compound(1273-73-0)Formula: C10BrFe, numerous studies have shown that this compound(SMILES:Br[C-]12[Fe+2]3456789([C-]%10C6=C7C8=C9%10)C1=C3C4=C25), has unique advantages. If you want to know more about similar compounds, you can read my other articles.

Formula: C10BrFe. So far, in addition to halogen atoms, other non-metallic atoms can become part of the aromatic heterocycle, and the target ring system is still aromatic. Compound: Bromoferrocene, is researched, Molecular C10BrFe, CAS is 1273-73-0, about Mechanically-tunable quantum interference in ferrocene-based single-molecule junctions.

Ferrocenes are ubiquitous organometallic building blocks that comprise a Fe atom sandwiched between two cyclopentadienyl (Cp) rings that rotate freely at room temperature Of widespread interest in fundamental studies and real-world applications, they have also attracted some interest as functional elements of mol.-scale devices. Here, the impact of the configurational degrees of freedom of a ferrocene derivative on its single-mol. junction conductance is investigated. Measurements indicate that the conductance of the ferrocene derivative, which is suppressed by two orders of magnitude as compared to a fully conjugated analog, can be modulated by altering the junction configuration. Ab initio transport calculations show that the low conductance is a consequence of destructive quantum interference effects that arise from the hybridization of metal-based d-orbitals and the ligand-based π-system. By rotating the Cp rings, the hybridization, and thus the quantum interference, can be mech. controlled, resulting in a conductance modulation that is seen exptl.

Although many compounds look similar to this compound(1273-73-0)Formula: C10BrFe, numerous studies have shown that this compound(SMILES:Br[C-]12[Fe+2]3456789([C-]%10C6=C7C8=C9%10)C1=C3C4=C25), has unique advantages. If you want to know more about similar compounds, you can read my other articles.

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