Analyzing the synthesis route of 1273-73-0

In some applications, this compound(1273-73-0)Name: Bromoferrocene is unique.If you want to know more details about this compound, you can contact with the author or consult more relevant literature.

Most of the natural products isolated at present are heterocyclic compounds, so heterocyclic compounds occupy an important position in the research of organic chemistry. A compound: 1273-73-0, is researched, SMILESS is Br[C-]12[Fe+2]3456789([C-]%10C6=C7C8=C9%10)C1=C3C4=C25, Molecular C10BrFeJournal, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya called Ferrocenylgold-triphenylphosphine, Author is Nesmeyanov, A. N.; Perevalova, E. G.; Lemenovskii, D. A.; Kosina, A. N.; Grandberg, K. I., the main research direction is gold ferrocenyl phosphines; ferrocenyl phosphines gold; phosphines gold ferrocenyl; ferrocenes; iron organic compound.Name: Bromoferrocene.

To ferrocenyllithium from 2.8 g ferrocene in THF-Et2O with BuLi under argon was added 2 g ClAuPPh3, and after 2 hr the mixture quenched in H2O to yield 81% orange ferrocenyl-goldtriphenylphosphine, C5H5FeC5H4AuPPh3, decomposed 150°; ir and NMR spectral data given. Chromatog. on Al2O3 decomposed this to ferrocene. BrAuPPh3 in the above reaction gave the same complex in 67% yield. Treated with dry HCl in C6H6 the product gave ferrocene and ClAuPPh3, m. 242-3°; HI gave diferrocenyl in trace amounts along with nearly 100% ferrocene and IAuPPh3, m. 224-5°. HCN similarly converted the complex into ferrocene and AuCN.PPh3, m. 203.5-204°. Bromination gave bromoferrocene, m. 30-1°, and 81% BrAuPPh3. ClAuPPh3 in Et2O under argon treated with BuLi 5 hr gave 86% oily BuAuPPh3, which darkened in air. It was purified by freezing in liquid pentane at -70°.

In some applications, this compound(1273-73-0)Name: Bromoferrocene is unique.If you want to know more details about this compound, you can contact with the author or consult more relevant literature.

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