Braun, Alain et al. published their research in Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications in 2009 | CAS: 76186-04-4

(S)-4-Isopropylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 76186-04-4) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidine derivatives have been found to exhibit very prominent anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity. Open-chain compounds are obtained when thiazolidines are treated with tris(trimethylsilyl)silane in a reaction in which the thiazolidine derivatives act as a source of α-aminoalkyl radicals.Recommanded Product: (S)-4-Isopropylthiazolidine-2-thione

Enantioselective synthesis of structurally intricate and complementary poly-oxygenated building blocks of spongistatin 1 (altohyrtin A) was written by Braun, Alain;Cho, Il Hwan;Ciblat, Stephane;Clyne, Dean;Forgione, Pat;Hart, Amy C.;Huang, Guoxiang;Kim, Jungchul;Modolo, Isabelle;Paquette, Leo A.;Peng, Xiaowen;Pichlmair, Stefan;Stewart, Catherine A.;Wang, Jizhou;Zuev, Dmitry. And the article was included in Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications in 2009.Recommanded Product: (S)-4-Isopropylthiazolidine-2-thione This article mentions the following:

Enantioselective approaches to the construction of four complex building blocks of the structurally intricate marine macrolide known as spongistatin 1 are presented. The first phase of the synthetic effort relies on a practical approach to a enantiomerically pure spiroketal ring system incorporating rings A and B. Concurrently, the C17-C28 subunit, which houses one-fifth of the stereogenic centers of the target in the form of rings C and D, was assembled via a composite of stereocontrolled aldol condensations. Once arrival at the entire C1-C28 sector had been realized, routes were devised to provide two addnl. highly functionalized sectors consisting of C29-C44 and C38-C51. A series of subsequent transformations including cyclization of the E ring and hydroboration to afford the B-alkyl intermediate for the key Suzuki coupling to append the side chain took advantage of efficient stereocontrol. Ultimately, complete assembly and functionalization of the western EF sector of spongistatin was thwarted by an inoperative Suzuki coupling step intended to join the side chain to the C29-C44 sector, and later because of complications due to protecting groups, which precluded the complete elaboration of the late stage C29-C51 intermediate. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, (S)-4-Isopropylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 76186-04-4Recommanded Product: (S)-4-Isopropylthiazolidine-2-thione).

(S)-4-Isopropylthiazolidine-2-thione (cas: 76186-04-4) belongs to thiazolidine derivatives. Thiazolidine derivatives have been found to exhibit very prominent anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity. Open-chain compounds are obtained when thiazolidines are treated with tris(trimethylsilyl)silane in a reaction in which the thiazolidine derivatives act as a source of α-aminoalkyl radicals.Recommanded Product: (S)-4-Isopropylthiazolidine-2-thione

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