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After consulting a lot of data, we found that this compound(1273-73-0)Application In Synthesis of Bromoferrocene can be used in many types of reactions. And in most cases, this compound has more advantages.

Application In Synthesis of Bromoferrocene. Aromatic compounds can be divided into two categories: single heterocycles and fused heterocycles. Compound: Bromoferrocene, is researched, Molecular C10BrFe, CAS is 1273-73-0, about Cofacial metallocenes. Synthesis and crystal structure of 1,8-diferrocenylnaphthalene. Author is Lee, Mei Tsu; Foxman, Bruce M.; Rosenblum, Myron.

The optimal synthesis of 1,8-differocenylnaphthalene (I) was the coupling of 1,8-diiodonaphthalene and ferrocenylzinc chloride in the presence of ferrocenylphosphine-containing catalyst PdLCl2, giving 58% of I with 94% selectivity. The x-ray crystal structure of I showed that the naphthalene ring and bonds from the peri-C atoms to the cyclopentadienyl rings were highly distorted. The 2 substituted cyclopentadienyl rings were rotated by ∼46° from the perpendicular to the naphthalene ring. Cyclic voltammetry of I showed 2 reversible, one-electron waves. The monocation I+BF4- derived by oxidation of I with AgBF4, had an intervalence transfer band at 1600 nm (εmax 200), not shown by the corresponding dication of I. I+ was best represented as a weakly interacting mixed-valence system.

After consulting a lot of data, we found that this compound(1273-73-0)Application In Synthesis of Bromoferrocene can be used in many types of reactions. And in most cases, this compound has more advantages.

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