Computed Properties of C10BrFe. The fused heterocycle is formed by combining a benzene ring with a single heterocycle, or two or more single heterocycles. Compound: Bromoferrocene, is researched, Molecular C10BrFe, CAS is 1273-73-0, about Oxidative purification of halogenated ferrocenes. Author is Inkpen, Michael S.; Du, Shuoren; Driver, Mark; Albrecht, Tim; Long, Nicholas J..
Authors report the large scale syntheses and oxidative purification’ of fcI2, fcBr2 and FcBr (fc = ferrocene-1,1′-diyl, Fc = ferrocenyl). These valuable starting materials are typically laborious to sep. via conventional techniques, but can be readily isolated by taking advantage of their increased E1/2 relative to FcH/FcX contaminants. The work extends this methodol. towards a generic tool for the separation of redox active mixtures
I hope my short article helps more people learn about this compound(Bromoferrocene)Computed Properties of C10BrFe. Apart from the compound(1273-73-0), you can read my other articles to know other related compounds.
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