Derivation of elementary reaction about 2199-44-2

In some applications, this compound(2199-44-2)Computed Properties of C9H13NO2 is unique.If you want to know more details about this compound, you can contact with the author or consult more relevant literature.

So far, in addition to halogen atoms, other non-metallic atoms can become part of the aromatic heterocycle, and the target ring system is still aromatic.Thompson, Alison; Gao, Susan; Modzelewska, Gosia; Hughes, David S.; Patrick, Brian; Dolphin, David researched the compound: Ethyl 3,5-Dimethyl-2-pyrrolecarboxylate( cas:2199-44-2 ).Computed Properties of C9H13NO2.They published the article 《x-ray Crystallographic and 13C NMR Investigations of the Effects of Electron-Withdrawing Groups on a Series of Pyrroles》 about this compound( cas:2199-44-2 ) in Organic Letters. Keywords: crystallog carbon NMR electron withdrawing group pyrrole derivative. We’ll tell you more about this compound (cas:2199-44-2).

Pyrroles substituted with various electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) on the N atom were synthesized and full characterization including x-ray crystal structures obtained. Anal. of 13C chem. shifts and x-ray crystal structures reveals that a trend between decreased aromaticity and the strength of the EWG exists. Exptl. results regarding alternative mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution reactions can thus be rationalized.

In some applications, this compound(2199-44-2)Computed Properties of C9H13NO2 is unique.If you want to know more details about this compound, you can contact with the author or consult more relevant literature.

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