Name: Chalcone. In 2019.0 DESALIN WATER TREAT published article about MUNICIPAL WASTE-WATER; HEAVY-METALS; CADMIUM BIOSORPTION; AQUEOUS-SOLUTIONS; NUTRIENT REMOVAL; CULTIVATION; RECOVERY; BIOMASS; BATCH in [Rajasulochana, P.; Preethy, V.] Bharath Univ, Chennai 600073, Tamil Nadu, India in 2019.0, Cited 43.0. The Name is Chalcone. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 94-41-7.
Novel methodologies are essential to reduce the concentrations of nutrients, microbes and chemicals from sewage prior to discharge into the environment. These are required to preserve and maintain the environmental conditions and human health. Although several techniques exist for the reduction of the chemicals and microbes, the efficacy of the techniques is not significant due to significant physical and structural diversity. Treatment of sewage with microalgae has gained popularity over the past few years, and limited investigations were reported in the literature. The present study deals with the treatment of household sewage treatment plant by using green algae, namely, Scenedesmus, Chlorella and their combination. During the experiment, it was observed that the algae grow under adverse condition and utilised the available nutrient for their survival. Further, the advantage of algae treatment is that they are efficient, ecofriendly, renewable and very much cost-efficient. Thus, many disorders can be prevented by using this treatment. The new study on mechanism of degradation and isolation of commercially important enzymes will be very significant.
Welcome to talk about 94-41-7, If you have any questions, you can contact Rajasulochana, P; Preethy, V or send Email.. Name: Chalcone
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