The transformation of simple hydrocarbons into more complex and valuable products via catalytic C–H bond functionalisation has revolutionised modern synthetic chemistry. An article , which mentions category: thiazolidine, molecular formula is C3H7NO2S. The compound – 1,1-Dioxo-isothiazolidine played an important role in people’s production and life., category: thiazolidine
N-(3-Pyridinyl)-substituted secondary and tertiary sulfonamides have been synthesized in good to excellent yields by the reaction of 3-bromopyridine with primary and secondary alkyl and aryl sulfonamides (MeSO2NH2, MeSO2NHMe, TolSO2NH2, TolSO2NHMe, 1,3-propanesultam, and 1,4-butanesultam), catalyzed by CuI (20 mol %) and 1,3-di(pyridin-2-yl)propane-1,3-dione (20 mol %) with K2CO3 (200 mol %) in DMF (0.17 M for ArBr) at 110-120 C over 36-40 h. 2-Bromopyridine, 4-bromopyridine, and a wide variety of substituted phenyl bromides can also be successfully coupled with sulfonamides under these reaction conditions.
Because enzymes can increase reaction rates by enormous factors and tend to be very specific, category: thiazolidine, typically producing only a single product in quantitative yield, they are the focus of active can also check out more blogs about category: thiazolidine
Quinuclidine – Wikipedia,
Quinuclidine | C7H570N | ChemSpider