A new application about 19771-63-2

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law.Application of 19771-63-2. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 19771-63-2

Application of 19771-63-2, A catalyst don’t appear in the overall stoichiometry of the reaction it catalyzes, but it must appear in at least one of the elementary reactions in the mechanism for the catalyzed reaction. 19771-63-2, Name is (R)-2-Oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid, molecular formula is C4H5NO3S. In a Article£¬once mentioned of 19771-63-2

Pharmacological stimulation of nuclear factor (erythroidderived 2)-like 2 translation activates antioxidant responses

Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is the master regulator of the antioxidant response, and its function is tightly regulated at the transcriptional, translational, and posttranslational levels. It is well-known that Nrf2 is regulated at the protein level by proteasomal degradation via Kelch-like ECHassociated protein 1 (Keap1), but how Nrf2 is regulated at the translational level is less clear. Here, we show that pharmacological stimulation increases Nrf2 levels by overcoming basal translational repression. We developed a novel reporter assay that enabled identification of natural compounds that induce Nrf2 translation by a mechanism independent of Keap1-mediated degradation. Apigenin, resveratrol, and piceatannol all induced Nrf2 translation. More importantly, the pharmacologically induced Nrf2 overcomes Keap1 regulation, translocates to thenucleus, and activates the antioxidant response. We conclude that translational regulation controls physiological levels of Nrf2, and this can be modulated by apigenin, resveratrol, and piceatannol. Also, targeting this mechanism with novel compounds could provide new insights into prevention and treatment of multiple diseases in which oxidative stress plays a significant role.

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law.Application of 19771-63-2. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 19771-63-2

Quinuclidine – Wikipedia,
Quinuclidine | C7H688N | ChemSpider