Brief introduction of 1273-73-0

From this literature《Stable σH-adducts in reactions of ferrocenyllithium with azines》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Recommanded Product: 1273-73-0, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

Most of the natural products isolated at present are heterocyclic compounds, so heterocyclic compounds occupy an important position in the research of organic chemistry. A compound: 1273-73-0, is researched, SMILESS is Br[C-]12[Fe+2]3456789([C-]%10C6=C7C8=C9%10)C1=C3C4=C25, Molecular C10BrFeJournal, Russian Chemical Bulletin called Stable σH-adducts in reactions of ferrocenyllithium with azines, Author is Utepova, I. A.; Lakhina, A. E.; Varaksin, M. V.; Kovalev, I. S.; Rusinov, V. L.; Slepukhin, P. A.; Kodess, M. I.; Chupakhin, O. N., the main research direction is pyridyltriazine ferrocenyllithium nucleophilic substitution; azine ferrocenyllithium nucleophilic substitution; triazinylferrocene preparation mol crystal structure; ferrocene triazinyl preparation mol crystal structure.Recommanded Product: 1273-73-0.

Stable σH-adducts as intermediates of the nucleophilic substitution of H in 3-(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazines were obtained using ferrocenyllithium as a nucleophilic reagent. The 3D structures of the reaction products were established by an x-ray diffraction study on 1-[4-ethyl-6-phenyl-3-(2-pyridyl)-5(H)-1,2,4-triazin-5-yl]ferrocene [monoclinic, space group P21/c, a 9.3471(8), b 20.7674(13), c 10.7865(10) Å, β 96.248(7)°, V 2081.4(3) Å3, Z 4].

From this literature《Stable σH-adducts in reactions of ferrocenyllithium with azines》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Recommanded Product: 1273-73-0, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

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Application of 2199-44-2

From this literature《Sulfur derivatives in the pyrrole series》,we know some information about this compound(2199-44-2)Related Products of 2199-44-2, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(2199-44-2).

Related Products of 2199-44-2. The reaction of aromatic heterocyclic molecules with protons is called protonation. Aromatic heterocycles are more basic than benzene due to the participation of heteroatoms. Compound: Ethyl 3,5-Dimethyl-2-pyrrolecarboxylate, is researched, Molecular C9H13NO2, CAS is 2199-44-2, about Sulfur derivatives in the pyrrole series. Author is Treibs, Alfred; Schulze, Lothar; Kreuzer, Franz Heinrich; Kolm, Hans Georg.

Reaction of 2,4-dimethyl-5-(ethoxycarbonyl)pyrrole (I) with SO2 in the presence of EtBr and AlCl3 or in CH2Cl2 containing AlCl3 gave the sulfide II or the sulfoxide III, resp. Successive reaction of SCl2 with MeOH and 2-methyl-3-(ethoxycarbonyl pyrrole gave the disulfide IV. Addition of EtSH to tris[2-methyl-3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-5-pyrrolyl]methane gave the sulfide V. Addition of p-tolysulfonyl isothiocyanate to I gave the derivative VI.

From this literature《Sulfur derivatives in the pyrrole series》,we know some information about this compound(2199-44-2)Related Products of 2199-44-2, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(2199-44-2).

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More research is needed about 2199-44-2

From this literature《Alcoholytic, phenolytic and hydrolytic cleavage of organic compounds by catalysts. II》,we know some information about this compound(2199-44-2)Related Products of 2199-44-2, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(2199-44-2).

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Alcoholytic, phenolytic and hydrolytic cleavage of organic compounds by catalysts. II》. Authors are Houben, J.; Fischer, Walter.The article about the compound:Ethyl 3,5-Dimethyl-2-pyrrolecarboxylatecas:2199-44-2,SMILESS:O=C(C1=C(C)C=C(C)N1)OCC).Related Products of 2199-44-2. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:2199-44-2) is conveyed.

cf. C. A. 25, 3311. As shown recently, trihalomethyl ketones are not only converted stoichiometrically into alkali carboxylates and CHCl3 by aqueous alkali (Reaction 1) but also undergo another, purely catalytic reaction; even in the cold they react with alcs. according to the equation RCOCCl3 + R’OH = RCO2R’ + CHCl3 (Reaction 2). It was thought that an alcoholate was indispensable as the catalyst and that water must be excluded as completely as possible to prevent reaction 1. It was soon found, however, that this conception was erroneous and that the role of catalyst can be played very successfully by certain organic salts, such as alkali acetates, formates, benzoates, etc., and purely inorganic carbonates, bicarbonates, sulfites, nitrites, and reaction 2 can be smoothly effected in systems containing considerable water (10%). Thus, while BzCCl3 is not changed in the least by heating 8 hrs. at 170° in a sealed tube, addition of a droplet of dilute aqueous KOH to its MeOH solution suffices to decompose it at once, with evolution of heat, into BzOMe and CHCl3, Presumably there is first formed a little BzOK which quickly exerts its powerful catalytic effect. Mg(OH)2, shaken a long time in aqueous suspension with BzCCl3, decomposes it almost completely into (BzO)2Mg and CHCl3 but in aqueous MeOH gives 92% BzOMe. Thus, in addition to the possibility of neutralizing aqueous or aqueous alc. alkali by completely neutral compounds such as AcCCl3, BzCCl3, etc., a reaction which may prove useful for preparative and anal. purposes, there is the further possibility of decomposing, also in completely neutral solution, the excess of halogen ketone by subsequent addition of alc. It may thus be possible, by addition of minute amounts of perfectly neutral substances, to produce large quantities of nascent CHCl3, CHBr3, HCN (nitriles also undergo the reaction). The milder conditions (entire absence of strong alkalies) under which reaction 2 can now be effected has made it possible to extend the reaction to other substances which previously had either not reacted at all (phenols) or only with difficulty (menthol), for long and high heating may be employed, if necessary, and the reaction can be carried out in alk., neutral or acid solution; thus, KOAc is effective in AcOH and HCO2K reacts excellently in HCO2H. Hydrolysis of the trihalomethyl ketones can likewise be effected by aqueous solutions of catalytically small quantities of certain salts or, what amounts to the same thing, of alkalies, for these are rapidly converted by the ketone into the catalytic salt. Thus, BzCCl3 is smoothly decomposed into BzOH and CHCl3 by boiling several hrs. with water to which has been added a little KOAc; with water alone there is no hydrolysis even after 7 hrs. at 170°. Reaction 1 is really based on catalytic hydrolysis, the much slower velocity of which, as compared with the catalytic esterification (reaction 2) seems to be due to the slight solubility of the hydrolysis products; its acceleration by a stoichiometric amount of alkali (reaction 1) may in great part be due to the opportunity thus afforded to the BzOH to dissolve; in aqueous Me2CO containing a trace of KOAc, 96% BzOH was obtained from BzCCl3 after refluxing 4 hrs. The ready splitting off of a C atom from the trihalomethyl ketones does not occur with the dihalogen compounds, as far as can be judged from experiments with BzCHCl2, which yields PhCH(OH)CO2H. The following % yields of ester were obtained from the appropriate trichloromethyl ketone and alc. in the presence of a little Na: m-O2NC6H4CO2Me 62, m-H2NC6H4CO2Me 90, Et 2,4-dimethylpyrrole-5-carboxylate 93, Et 2-methylindole-3-carboxylate 85, octyl acetate 70, cetyl benzoate 45. Yield of phenol esters with KOAc as catalyst (reaction temperature in parentheses): PhOBz 80 (120°), p-MeC6H4OBz 90 (230°), o-MeC6H4CO2Bz 80 (230°), menthyl benzoate 58 (150°) (the yield previously obtained with Na was 37%). Below are given, resp., the length of reaction (in days unless otherwise stated) and the % yield of benzoate obtained at 20° from BzCCl3 with various alcs. and 0.5-1 equivalent of different catalysts. MeOH: HCO2K 2, 74; HCO2K + HCO2H 3, 85; KOAc 2, 92; KOAc + AcOH 3, 90; KOBz 1, 81; KNO3 3, 91; Mg(OH)2 1, 92. PrOH: Mg(OH)2 2, 79. iso-BuOH: KOAc 4, 90. Hexyl alc.: KOAc 4, 93. Allyl alc.: KOAc 2, 93. Menthol: KOAc 6 hrs. at 150°, 58. PhOH: 4 hrs. at 120°, 80. o-Cresol: KOAc, 4 hrs. at 130°, 80. p-Cresol: KOAc 4 hrs. at 130°, 90. Although very small amounts of the catalysts are distinctly effective, 0.5-1 equivalent was used to shorten the reaction time as much as possible. The lengths of reaction given were in many cases perhaps unnecessarily long. KHCO3, Na2CO3, Na2SO3 and AcONH4 are also effective, but KNO3, anhydrous or hydrated NH4Cl, K bioxalate, HCl.H2O, H2SO4.H2O and HCl are not effective even after 1 day at 70°. BzCCl3 (2.23 g.) and 0.5 g. KOAc, allowed to stand 1 day in 5 cc. MeOH containing 10% water, gave 81% BzOMe; 2.23 g. of the ketone and 0.5 g. KOAc shaken 25 hrs. in 2.4 cc. MeOH containing 50% water gave 22% ester and 70% unchanged ketone. When BzCHCl2 was allowed to stand with 0.1 equivalent Na in MeOH the alkalinity soon greatly diminished and Cl ions but no CH2Cl2 or BzOMe were formed; with 2 equivalents Na, NaCl was deposited and after standing overnight there was obtained 61% phenylglyoxal di-Me acetal, b13 110-4°.

From this literature《Alcoholytic, phenolytic and hydrolytic cleavage of organic compounds by catalysts. II》,we know some information about this compound(2199-44-2)Related Products of 2199-44-2, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(2199-44-2).

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Interesting scientific research on 1273-73-0

From this literature《Stochastic detection and characterisation of individual ferrocene derivative tagged graphene nanoplatelets》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Recommanded Product: Bromoferrocene, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

Wu, Haoyu; Lin, Qianqi; Batchelor-McAuley, Christopher; Goncalves, Luis Moreira; Lima, Carlos F. R. A. C.; Compton, Richard G. published the article 《Stochastic detection and characterisation of individual ferrocene derivative tagged graphene nanoplatelets》. Keywords: biphenyl ferrocene tagged graphene nanoplatelet Faradaic capacitative charge transfer.They researched the compound: Bromoferrocene( cas:1273-73-0 ).Recommanded Product: Bromoferrocene. Aromatic heterocyclic compounds can be divided into two categories: single heterocyclic and fused heterocyclic. In addition, there is a lot of other information about this compound (cas:1273-73-0) here.

Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) are ‘tagged’ with 1-(biphen-4-yl)ferrocene. Chronoamperometry is then utilized to observe single particle impacts when GNPs suspended in solution collide with a carbon fiber micro wire electrode held at an oxidizing potential, resulting in current/time transient “”spikes””. The impacts are associated with two types of charge transfer: Faradaic due to oxidation of the ‘tag’ and capacitative due to disruption of the double layer. Anal. of the spikes suggests approx. monolayer coverage of 1-(biphen-4-yl)ferrocene on the GNP surfaces, with a surface coverage of (2.2 ± 0.3) × 10-10 mol cm-2. In contrast non-derivatized ferrocene does not exhibit any significant adsorption on the GNP material.

From this literature《Stochastic detection and characterisation of individual ferrocene derivative tagged graphene nanoplatelets》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Recommanded Product: Bromoferrocene, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

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Something interesting about 2199-44-2

From this literature《Porphyrins. VI. The relative reactivities of substituted pyrroles》,we know some information about this compound(2199-44-2)Category: thiazolidine, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(2199-44-2).

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Porphyrins. VI. The relative reactivities of substituted pyrroles》. Authors are Badger, G. M.; Harris, R. L. N.; Jones, R. Alan.The article about the compound:Ethyl 3,5-Dimethyl-2-pyrrolecarboxylatecas:2199-44-2,SMILESS:O=C(C1=C(C)C=C(C)N1)OCC).Category: thiazolidine. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:2199-44-2) is conveyed.

The comparative reactivities of a series of substituted pyrroles was examined by use of the diazo-coupling reaction and the Ehrlich reaction. The method used was that of Treibs and Fritz (CA 52, 13705g), but some modifications were introduced, p-AcNHC6H4N2Cl was used instead of p-PhNHC6H4N2Cl, and PhN2Cl and 2,4,6-Br3C6H2N2OAc were included to improve the accuracy of classification. Six aryldiazonium salts (I-VI) were used. With I-IV the reaction was carried out by mixing an alc. solution of the pyrrole (5 mL. 1.5 × 10-3M) with an aqueous solution of the diazonium salt (0.15 mL., 5 × 10-2M) and with V-VI an HOAc solution of the pyrrole was mixed with an HOAc solution of the Na salt of the anti-diazotate, both with and without the addition of HCl (0.15 mL., 2N). Tests were carried out at pH 3, 5, and 7 with the following pyrroles (substituents given): 3-Me; 2,4-Me2; 3-CO2Et; 2,4-Me2, 3-CO2Et; 2-Z, 3-Me, 4-CO2Et; 2-Q, 3-Me, 4-Ac; 3-CO2Et, 4-Me; 3-Ac, 4-Me; 2-CO2Et, 3,4-Me2; 2-CO2Et, 3,5-Me2; 2-CO2Et, 3,5-Me2; 2-CO2Et, 3-CH2CH2CO2Et, 5-Me; 2-CO2Et; 2-CH:C(CN)2, 3,4-Me2; 2-CH:C(CN)2, 3-CH2CH2-CO2Et, 4-Me; 2-CH:C(CN)2, 4-Me; 2-CH:C(CN)2, 3-Me; and 2-CH:C(CN)2. The results showed that the dicyanovinyl group exerted a very pronounced deactivating influence on pyrroles. The dicyanovinyl group was much more deactivating than an ethoxycarbonyl group. Most of the pyrroles used were prepared earlier. Other pyrroles were prepared as follows: A solution of 50 g. 2-carboxy-3-ethoxycarbonyl-4-methylpyrrole in ethanol-amine was refluxed 1 h. and poured into 1 l. H2O, the mixture extracted 24 h. with ether, and the aqueous solution acidified with dilute HCl to give 36 g. 2-carboxy-3-(2-hydroxyethylcarbonyl)-4-methylpyr-role (VII), m. 219° (decomposition) (EtOH). VII (2.5 g.) in 10 mL. 25% aqueous NaOH was heated 15 h. in a sealed tube at 140-50°, the mixture extracted with ether, and the extract dried and evaporated to yield 0.67 g. 3-methylpyrrole (VIII), b. 142-3°. Formylation of VIII by the Vilsmeier-Haack method at 0° yielded 2-formyl-3-methylpyrrole (IX), m. 92°. Condensation of 0.1 g. IX with 0.05 g. malononitrile in a few drops MeOH and I drop Et2NH yielded 2-(-dicyanovinyl)-3-methylpyrrole, m. 194.5-5.5° (decomposition) (MeOH). A mixture of 1 g. 2-ethoxycarbonyl-3,4-dimethylpyrrole, 1 mL. EtOH, and 10 mL. 10% aqueous KOH was refluxed 90 min. and the solution cooled and brought to pH 5-6 (HOAc) to yield 0.8 g. 2-carboxy-3,4-dimethylpyrrole (X). Refluxing 5 g. X and 5 mL. ethanolamine 1 h. and working up the mixture yielded 2.56 g. 3,4-dimethylpyrrole (XI), b760 164-6°, m. 32-3°. Formylation of XI (as in VIII) yielded 2-formyl-3,4-dimethylpyrrole (XII), m. 129-30°. XII was converted into 2-(-dicyanovinyl)-3,4-dimethylpyrrole by the method of Fischer and Hoefelman (CA 32, 33894).

From this literature《Porphyrins. VI. The relative reactivities of substituted pyrroles》,we know some information about this compound(2199-44-2)Category: thiazolidine, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(2199-44-2).

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Decrypt The Mystery Of 63352-97-6

From this literature《Auxin activity of brominated indoles from the marine sponge Pseudosuberites hyalinus》,we know some information about this compound(63352-97-6)Computed Properties of C10H8BrNO2, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(63352-97-6).

Computed Properties of C10H8BrNO2. The mechanism of aromatic electrophilic substitution of aromatic heterocycles is consistent with that of benzene. Compound: 2-(7-Bromo-1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acid, is researched, Molecular C10H8BrNO2, CAS is 63352-97-6, about Auxin activity of brominated indoles from the marine sponge Pseudosuberites hyalinus. Author is Rasmussen, Thomas; Christophersen, Carsten; Nielsen, Per H.; Rajagopal, Ranganatha.

A series of brominated indoles from the marine sponge Pseudosuberites hyalinus and 6-bromoindole-3-acetic acid (6-Br-IAA) were assessed for auxin activity in Avena and Triticum straight growth assay. 6-Br-IAA showed low activity compared to 6-chloroindole-3-acetic acid, while the corresponding Me esters had comparable activities.

From this literature《Auxin activity of brominated indoles from the marine sponge Pseudosuberites hyalinus》,we know some information about this compound(63352-97-6)Computed Properties of C10H8BrNO2, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(63352-97-6).

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Chemical Properties and Facts of 1273-73-0

From this literature《Replacement of halogen in halo ferrocenes by a proton》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Electric Literature of C10BrFe, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

The reaction of an aromatic heterocycle with a proton is called a protonation. One of articles about this theory is 《Replacement of halogen in halo ferrocenes by a proton》. Authors are Nesmeyanov, A. N.; Kursanov, D. N.; Nefedova, M. N.; Setkina, V. N.; Perevalova, E. G..The article about the compound:Bromoferrocenecas:1273-73-0,SMILESS:Br[C-]12[Fe+2]3456789([C-]%10C6=C7C8=C9%10)C1=C3C4=C25).Electric Literature of C10BrFe. Through the article, more information about this compound (cas:1273-73-0) is conveyed.

Iodoferrocene and CF3CO2D in C6H6 under N atm. gave a dark violet precipitate which was separated and the filtrate extracted with H2O gave in the extract the evidence of ferricinium ion; treated with Na2SO3 it gave ferrocene containing 9.5% D; the precipitate gave iodoferrocene, which with I gave the dark violet precipitate as above. Bromoferrocene similarly gave 10% ferrocene while chloroferrocene gave some chloroferrocene containing 25% D.

From this literature《Replacement of halogen in halo ferrocenes by a proton》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Electric Literature of C10BrFe, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

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Introduction of a new synthetic route about 1273-73-0

From this literature《Synthesis, chemical reactivity and electrochemical behaviour of mono- and difluoro metallocenes》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Recommanded Product: Bromoferrocene, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

In organic chemistry, atoms other than carbon and hydrogen are generally referred to as heteroatoms. The most common heteroatoms are nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur. Now I present to you an article called Synthesis, chemical reactivity and electrochemical behaviour of mono- and difluoro metallocenes, published in 2015-11-15, which mentions a compound: 1273-73-0, mainly applied to ferrocene ruthenocene fluorination preparation fluoro difluoro dihaloferrocene; redox potential halogenated fluorinated ferrocene, Recommanded Product: Bromoferrocene.

Syntheses of mono- and 1,1′-difluoro-substituted metallocenes (ferrocene, ruthenocene) and of asym. 1,1′-disubstituted ferrocenes with one substituent being fluorine are described. Lithiation of metallocenes and subsequent addition of the fluorinating agent NFSI gave the fluorinated metallocenes after optimization of the exptl. conditions. All new compounds were comprehensively characterized and the cyclic voltammograms of fluoro- and 1,1′-difluoroferrocene were recorded and compared to other mono- and dihalogenated ferrocenes. Half-wave potentials of +106 mV and +220 mV vs. FcH0/+ were obtained for monofluorinated species and difluorinated ferrocene, resp. Both values are remarkably low compared to the other halogenated ferrocenes (Cl, Br, and I). Finally, 1-bromo-1′-fluoro-ferrocene turns out to be an ideal starting material for further fluoro-substituted ferrocene derivatives

From this literature《Synthesis, chemical reactivity and electrochemical behaviour of mono- and difluoro metallocenes》,we know some information about this compound(1273-73-0)Recommanded Product: Bromoferrocene, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(1273-73-0).

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Why Are Children Getting Addicted To 63352-97-6

From this literature《Auxin-binding site in wheat shoots: interactions between indol-3-ylacetic acid and its halogenated derivatives》,we know some information about this compound(63352-97-6)Application of 63352-97-6, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(63352-97-6).

In general, if the atoms that make up the ring contain heteroatoms, such rings become heterocycles, and organic compounds containing heterocycles are called heterocyclic compounds. An article called Auxin-binding site in wheat shoots: interactions between indol-3-ylacetic acid and its halogenated derivatives, published in 1985, which mentions a compound: 63352-97-6, Name is 2-(7-Bromo-1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acid, Molecular C10H8BrNO2, Application of 63352-97-6.

The specificity of IAA-binding site from wheat shoots was investigated in an attempt to confirm its receptor function. Several monofluoro-, monochloro-, dichloro-, and monobromo-substituted indol-3-ylacetic acids were allowed to displace 14C-IAA from the binding site. Displacement abilities of these halogenated IAAs were closely related to their activities in wheat coleoptile straight growth biotest. This finding indirectly confirms the physiol. significance of this binding site.

From this literature《Auxin-binding site in wheat shoots: interactions between indol-3-ylacetic acid and its halogenated derivatives》,we know some information about this compound(63352-97-6)Application of 63352-97-6, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(63352-97-6).

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Discover the magic of the 530-66-5

From this literature《Separation of quinaldine from a ternary mixture with quinoline and isoquinoline》,we know some information about this compound(530-66-5)Electric Literature of C9H9NO4S, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(530-66-5).

So far, in addition to halogen atoms, other non-metallic atoms can become part of the aromatic heterocycle, and the target ring system is still aromatic.Belavina, I. G.; Potashnikov, M. M. researched the compound: quinoliniumhydrogensulphate( cas:530-66-5 ).Electric Literature of C9H9NO4S.They published the article 《Separation of quinaldine from a ternary mixture with quinoline and isoquinoline》 about this compound( cas:530-66-5 ) in Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii (Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation). Keywords: quinaldine separation; quinoline quinaldine separation; isoquinoline quinaldine separation. We’ll tell you more about this compound (cas:530-66-5).

The solubility relations of the monophosphate and bisulfate salts of quinaldine (I), quinoline (II), and isoquinoline (III) were studied. The solubility of the monophosphate of III in H2O at 25° is 6.7 times that of I or II. The solubility of the bisulfates of I and II was studied at 0-50° and 75-95% EtOH. At 10° and 85% EtOH, the solubility ratio of II to I is 3.8. I, 96% pure, was obtained from a mixture of I, II, and III by the following method. To 500 g. of a 1:1 mixture I (32%), II (20%), and III (40%) in MeOH was added 1 equivalent of H3PO4 (at <25°). To the precipitated salt was added just enough H2O to dissolve all of the phosphate of III. The remaining salt was decomposed in 20% NaOH yielding a 1:1 mixture of I and II. This was dissolved in 85% EtOH (1:1 ratio) and 1 equivalent of H2SO4 was added. The precipitated salt was recrystallized from 85% EtOH at 10°, decomposed with 10% base, extracted with benzene, and distilled to yield 58.8% I. From this literature《Separation of quinaldine from a ternary mixture with quinoline and isoquinoline》,we know some information about this compound(530-66-5)Electric Literature of C9H9NO4S, but this is not all information, there are many literatures related to this compound(530-66-5).

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